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Daily Report : (PDF) Deloitte - 2025 US Retail Industry Outlook

1. Deloitte 보고서 – 2025 미국 유통 산업 전망: '매스 투 마이크로' 전환 가속화 디지털 전환과 맞춤화 중심 변화: 팬데믹 이후 유통 산업은 대중을 위한 공급 중심에서 데이터 기반의 개인화 중심으로 전환 중. 하지만 레거시 시스템, 공급망 불안, 소비자 다양화 등으로 과도기적 비용과 구조적 한계에 직면하고 있음. AI 도입과 효율성 향상 기대: 생성형 AI의 실질적 효과가 나타나고 있으며, 재고 관리, 수요 예측, 개...

(PDF) Deloitte - 2025 US Retail Industry Outlook

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the retail industry has been moving into a digitized future, shifting from a supply-driven approach of matching goods for the masses to a data-driven hyper-personalized experience for individual consumers, or moving from mass to micro.However, given the high transitional costs and headwinds of legacy systems and business models, the transformation has been easier sa...

Next-Gen Swiss Passport Illustrates Nation's Mountains, Valleys, and Monuments

Designed by RETINAA, Switzerland’s next-generation passport, issued in fall 2022 by the Federal Office of Police continues the country’s legacy of innovation in graphic arts combined with advanced counterfeit protection. In partnership with Thales and Orell Füssli, the Geneva-based studio was commissioned to create a concept that reflects Swiss identity while integrating state-of-the-art sec...

Bain - Personalization : AI for Retail Marketing Magic

Leading retailers are adopting AI-powered personalized marketing to better resonate with and win over shoppers.As ad loads and cost per impression increase, tailored marketing is critical. Yet 40% of consumers say ads feel irrelevant. Top retailers are using AI-powered personalization, and early trials have shown a 10% to 25% increase in return on ad spend for targeted campaigns. AI enables hyp...

(Paper) Plant Patch Can Detect Stress Signals in Real Time

A close-up view of one end of the sensor – in real-world use, the microneedles would be facing down into the leaf.The sooner a farmer knows that their crops are suffering, the faster they can take action to prevent major crop failure. A new plant-leaf-poking sensor could soon help them do so, by sending an alert as soon as the plant gets stressed.Plants of all types continuously produce hydrog...

How Popular Is Bottled Water Around the World ?

Overall, the quality of tap water is pretty good in Europe, with 99 percent of the population in many countries having access to safely managed drinking water (data from 2022).Yet, as data from a Statista Consumer Insights survey reveals, a sizable chunk of respondents questioned in 2024 said they regularly drink bottled water (daily or weekly consumption). This is despite the fact that the p...

Evereden Wants to be Gen Alpha’s Bonne Bell

The beauty brand offers a glimpse into what today’s tweens care about, and what it takes to win them over.Like clockwork, when my daughter turned 9, she started to show interest in nail polish, lip balm, and haircare. “Mommy, I think I need shampoo for my specific hair type,” she told me.I knew the day would come when my daughter would be lured in by beauty products, but I still found myself...

Snack Makers Are Removing Fake Colors From Processed Foods

PepsiCo designed a new spicy potato chip without using its signature—and artificially formulated—dyes. Remaking the original Doritos is proving much harder.If a potato chip isn’t bright red, will people know it’s spicy? This type of question kicked off a yearlong effort by PepsiCo Inc.’s marketing innovation, research and development, and consumer insights teams to invent a new kind of sea...

(Infographic) J.D. Power - The Most Reliable Car Brands in 2025

Countries can select their national animals to represent either their heritage or natural biodiversity. In this graphic we’ve mapped the national animals of 29 countries across Asia, based on information from AnimalSake.Lexus, Buick, and Mazda were rated the three most reliable car brands in the U.S. for 2025J.D. Power measures reliability as problems per 100 vehicles (PP100) over three years...


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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

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