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(Video) The Lily Camera Drone Promises to Up Your Aerial Selfie Game

Generations before us have had lofty goals—being the first to fly, the first to walk on the Moon. A new challenge stands before us today: to capture the most extreme, most mind-blowingly awesome aerial selfie.One new startup—the Lily camera drone—might have just put this elusive prize within our reach.The Lily, a small drone camera with a satisfied expression, is being called “magic” by it...

(Video) Audi Pixelated Laser Headlights Light the Road and Paint It Too

Audi’s new Matrix Laser headlights have wowed LeMans racers and may soon do the same for European drivers. But archaic regulations will keep Americans in the dark for now.Lasers are the brightest, whitest lighting yet, better than the light-emitting diodes that only recently took over in cars, and because they can be directed just where you want them to go, they are in principle more efficient...

Tiny DNA Sequencers Yield Big Results In The Fight Against Ebola

The ability to sequence the genome of a virus in the field is invaluable, allowing the source of the infection to be tracked and providing epidemiologists an important weapon in stopping the spread of disease. Until now, however, DNA sequencers have been large, fragile, and extremely slow to deliver results. Not exactly the sort of equipment designed to be schlepped around WeThe MinION: a game-...

Miito Can Heat Tea Directly in Your Cup

MIITO is simply but intelligently designed to heat any liquid directly in a vessel while cutting down on excess water and energy usage.Miito's Kickstarter page says it was designed to prevent people from wasting water and energy, which happens when heating liquids in kettles. But we'll bet it's the lazy tea drinkers who'll truly have a place for it in their homes. The device heats not just wate...

Intel Offers Internet Smarts for Dumb Vending Machines

Most vending machines seem stubbornly stuck in the 20th century. Intel sees an opportunity to change that sad state of affairs by transforming vending machines into Internet-connected devices. [click to enlarge]Such a solution could enable intelligent vending machines to continuously update their advertising displays and send wireless alerts requesting a refill when they run low on Coca-Cola or...

Coming Soon to Your Smartwatch : Ads Targeting Captive Eyeballs

Undertone has tested pushing coupons for a candybar to consumers just as they pass a candy display at a grocery store, according to Eric Franchi, the digital advertising company’s co-founder. Advertisers are getting ready to invade your new smartwatch’s screen.Anticipating a boom in wearables after the introduction of the Apple Watch, digital advertising agencies are rushing to create ads and...

Keyless Entry at Home : E-Lock Door Handles

The E-Lock is a different approach to the traditional door handles we have in our homes today yet greatly resembles one. The design is meant to give easy access to your home in situations where your hands might be occupied. No more fumbling with keys or dropping your groceries to get in! When approaching the door, simply wave your e-key to the sensor to unlock and just give it a push to gain ac...

(PDF) Why China’s Consumers Will Continue to Surprise the World

Fears about China’s slowing economy are overblown, authors Jeffrey Towson and Jonathan Woetzel argue in this adapted excerpt from the follow-up to their The One Hour China Book.China has an awesome consumer story. Yet lately you can’t pick up a newspaper, go online, or watch television without hearing continual moaning about the country’s slowing economic growth and the need for “rebalancin...

Rolls-Royce Honors Haute Couture with Fashion-Inspired Car

The bespoke edition Wraith had its own fashion photo shoot, was introduced at NYCxDesign, and features coordinating luggage.Cars and fashion have had many intersections over the years. Rolls-Royce is the latest automaker to translate inspiration from the runway to the roadway. Wraith – Inspired by Fashion is a bespoke model created from color palettes, materials and techniques used in the worl...

Researchers Try to Improve Smartwatch Typing with 2 New Keyboard Concepts

The ZShift keyboard, one of the two soft keyboards created by the team.Wearable devices are becoming more prominent, but, apart from voice control, they don't usually offer many ways of entering text. We have seen the ZoomBoard keyboard as one possible solution, as well as large, curved screens that use smartphone-like keyboards. Now a team of researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de Va...

(Video) Fashion Retailer Net-a-Porter’s New Social Network Recognizes Clothes

Fashion retailer Net-a-Porter’s new social network wants to combine your photo-sharing and shopping in one appThe Net Set app can now tell if you're wearing last season's prints on your #OOTDSocial network married with online shopping is Net-a-Porter’s bet for the next big thing. The global luxury e-store is ripe for the next power move since announcing a merge this year with Italian e-commer...

How Many iOS Devices Will Apple Ship in the Next 6 Months ?

Of the $42.5 billion Apple spend buying capital assets[1] more than half was acquired in the last three years. Net of depreciation these assets are currently worth $20.1 billion and the spending rate is about $12 billion per year.This strategy of spending on capital assets is primarily in support of its particularly integrated approach to its product strategy. The purchasing of tooling for prod...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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