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(Patent) Glass 2.0 : This Might be What the New Google Glass Looks Like

The first version of Google’s wearable computer was taken off the market in January, and while the company has hinted that another version is in the works, details have been scant. But a design patent awarded to Google today shows what the next version could look like.The original Google Glass had an asymmetrical look to it, with the computer hanging over the right side of the device. It was p...

New Details Emerge About Tesla's Hotly Anticipated $35,000 Car

Many people have been drooling over Tesla’s line of high performance electric cars. One thing some people haven’t been excited about, however, is the price tag.New details have come out about Tesla’s much-anticipated Model 3 car, which is expected to cost about $35,000. For reference, Tesla’s popular Model S sedan sells for $70,000.The Model 3 car will come in two iterations, the company’s...

(Video) Derek Jeter’s Players Tribune Raises $9.5 Million Led By NEA

The Players Tribune, the athlete-driven media outlet founded by former New York Yankee All Star Derek Jeter, has its own hitting streak when it comes to fundraising.Less than a year after raising $3 million in its first outside financing, the online sports network has closed on $9.5 million of a planned $15 million round led by the white-shoe venture capital and later-stage investment firm NEA....

Can Underground Bunkers be the Future of Farming ?

The Lowline, an ambitious project by two New York City-based architects to transform an abandoned trolley terminal into the world’s first underground park, is now Kickstarting the second phase of their vision of subterranean-grown cuisine. The team has plans to build out the Lowline Lab, a working prototype in the form of a six-month public exhibition. The Lab will not only allow visitors to e...

(PDF) Mobile Broadband Penetration Is Quickly on the Rise

According to data published by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), mobile Internet usage is quickly on the rise. The number of mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants worldwide almost quadrupled since 2010, and by the end of this year the mobile broadband penetration rate is expected to reach 47%. As is the case with fixed broadband subscriptions and Internet access in...

Eat or Be Eaten

With a wave of consolidation in prospect, America’s big internet firms look set to divide into predators and prey.EVEN at charity auctions, technology titans like large transactions. At a recent fundraiser for Tipping Point, an anti-poverty charity in San Francisco, guests swiftly bid up the price for a package of Super Bowl tickets in increments of $100,000. The fortunes made by Silicon Valle...

(Video) Virtual Haptics System Lets Users Feel Without Touching

Developments in virtual and augmented reality have so far primarily focused on users’ visual experiences, but a new system called Ultrahaptics could shift the focus from virtual sight to virtual touch. Developed by researchers from the University of Bristol, the system enables users to experience ‘phantom’ tactile sensations in mid-air with their bare hands.Ultrahaptics uses ultrasound to pr...

Google Is Testing Its Internet Balloons in a Huge Freezer

He works on Project Loon, Google’s ambitious plan to deliver Internet service from enormous balloons floating in the stratosphere. When the company revealed the project in the summer of 2013, these polyethylene balloons stayed aloft for about five days. As part of Google’s effort to increase their flight time—and turn them into a viable way of getting underdeveloped regions online—Krishnasw...

(PDF) Bain & Company : The Net Promoter System’s “Outer Loop”

How companies make systemic changes—and show employees they’re serious about customer centricity.The “inner loop” of the Net Promoter SystemSM promotes individual learning. It lets frontline employees and teams hear both positive and constructive customer feedback directly and immediately. The inner loop enables them to implement whatever changes they can make on their own (see Figure 1). T...

A 3-D Printing Solution for a Major Women's Health Issue

When it comes to envisioning a future based on advances in 3-D printing, popular opinion tends to run to extremes. 3-D printing is either a novelty—making candy bars on the Hersey's factory floor and minor items like iPhone cases—or it's part of a dystopian future, like printing firearms and human body parts. The health-care promise held by 3-D printing, though, is real, and it may develop in...

China's Stock Market is Now Worth Over $10 Trillion

$10 trillion! That's how much money China's stock market is worth right now.As of the end of May, the Shanghai Stock Exchange had a total market cap of $5.9 trillion while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange clocked in at $4.4 trillion, according to the World Federation of Exchanges.That means there's at least $10.3 trillion floating in China's stock market right now, as both stocks in Shanghai and She...

(Video) Blocks Modular Smartwatches Can Be Customized According to Your Needs

Blocks Modular Smartwatches should be our future. Well, who doesn’t love it when you can actually build the function of your watch according to you need. Each block of the strap has different function, you can snap those blocks together to create your own personal, unique wearable device.If you love outdoors, you might want to build a watch with blocks that can be your reliable guide during yo...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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