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1) 프리미엄 멤버십 서비스 : 분야별 전문가들이 글로벌 시장의 핵심적인 사업기회 및 미래동향 정보를 글로벌 시장과 시차없이 제공하여, 미래의 사업기회를 적시에 포착 할 수 있도록 조력하는 ‘글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리포트' 제공
2) 기업 교육 동영상 서비스 : 16년간 축적된 트렌드 DB와 보고서들을 기반으로 ‘글로벌 트렌드 & 인사이트’ 및 ‘실리콘밸리 트렌드와 유망 스타트업’, ‘이머징 테크 사용자 경험’ 교육 동영상 시리즈와 함께 '기업 내 생성 AI의 기업 활용 방안' 등을 국내 다수의 그룹사에 제공해 경영진과 구성원들의 글로벌 감각과 창의적인 인사이트 효과적 습득 지원
3) 커스텀 리서치와 컨설팅 & 구현 프로젝트 : 'SK 그룹을 위한 기업을 위한 생성 AI 적용 방안과 Use Case 분석' 프로젝트와 아트 부산에 'AI 도입 (Chat Docent와 AI 키오스크) 기획 및 구현' 프로젝트 제공


Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air ?

Every year, Apple does some counterprogramming at CES. This year, whether it meant to or not, it may have some big news: 9to5Mac has some new details that say there's a 12-inch MacBook Air with a completely new design, a higher-resolution display, and few of the trappings we've come to expect from a MacBook Air.Here's Mark Gurman at 9to5Mac:Apple is preparing an all-new MacBook Air for 2015 wit...

Stain-Proof Apparel Makes Spills Irrelevant

All too often, people spill food or drinks on themselves, causing embarrassment as they walk around in dirty apparel. Even worse is the worry that their clothing will be ruined. The problem, while minor, seems unavoidable, even among those who are extremely careful; however, several new clothing companies offer a solution with high-tech, stain-resistant fabric.Vardama: Stains seem to appear dur...

Sony Unveils the Symphonic Light Lamp and Bulb at CES 2015

The Symphonic Light Lamp and Bulb, which Sony debuted at CES 2015, is a two-in-one device that comes in a nice sleek design. A light and speaker in one might not be a new idea, but this aesthetic is certainly appealing. Shaped like a tower, there is a speaker at the base, but the entire product helps to conduct the sound into its surroundings. A great addition to any home or office, the Symphon...

(Infographic) The Office of the Future

This infographic from Dublin Office Centre on the Office of the Future looks at predictions for the future workforce. These include the most covet-able skill-sets, the advancements in display screens and sensors and the continued rise of telecommuting and wearable technology. It gives an overview of what our office spaces will look like by 2020.Infographic :

(Trendbird) Annual Trend Report - 2015 Edition

TRENDBIRD - Annual Trend Report 2015 Edition Released !TRENDBIRD (What's the Next Big Thing ?) Annual Trend Report 2015는2014년 한해 동안 글로벌 시장에서 포착된 핵심적인 “글로벌 트렌드 및 미래사업 기회”를12개의 주요 Industry와 핵심 Function으로 분류하여 발행하는 보고서 (총12권)입니다TRENDBIRD (What's the Next Big Thing ?) Annual TREND Report 2015는 지난 한해동안 글로벌 시장에서의 핵심적인 “...

Warren Buffett, Corporate Raider

Warren Buffet had a pretty good 2014, with the famously costly A-shares at his holding company Berkshire Hathaway producing returns more than double that of the market. That’ll be a nice cushion as the 84-year-old investing guru prepares for his annual meeting with shareholders, where he’ll lay out his plans for Berkshire’s next 50 years?i.e. Berkshire post-Buffett.The stock did so well last...

(Video) TempTraq Thermometer Patch Tracks Kids’ Fevers for 24 Hours

If you’ve ever tried to take a sick baby’s temperature with a thermometer through their ear, you’ll understand how quickly it escalates into a difficult wrestling match, complete with screaming, kicking, and lots of “shhh, it’s alright”. Blue Spark Technologies, a Westlake, Ohio company that makes flexible batteries, is unveiling a solution at CES this year, called TempTraq, and it aims t...

14 Striking Findings from 2014

In 2014, Pew Research Center published more than 150 reports (not to mention, some 600 blog posts) covering a wide range of topics ? including demographic change, media habits, technology adoption, religious affiliation, and public opinion in the U.S. and worldwide. Here are 14 facts we found particularly striking, as they illustrate some major shifts in our politics, society, habits or familie...

Fintech Trends for 2015 : Investing Services, Anti-Social Trading, and Digital Crowdfunding

We look at three fintech trends that are slated to grow during 2015 but that also have their risks. The uniform theme of each is that they use technology to bring efficiency to the financial markets.Fintech was a great sector to be in during 2014, being the beneficiary of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars of venture capital. The year ended with a bang, with alternative non-bank...

Google Ventures Shifts Focus to Health Care

Google’s venture-capital arm is moving strongly into health care and life-sciences startups, mirroring shifts at the Internet giant.More than one-third of the money Google Ventures invested in 2014 went to health care and life-sciences companies, up from 9% each of the prior two years. The venture group plans to continue investing in the area, looking to capitalize on an explosion of health da...

Self-Tinting "Breathing" Window Doubles as a Transparent Battery

A smart window doubling as a transparent battery could replace blinds and curtains and even provide a small net power output (Photo: NTU)Scientists at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore have developed a smart window that is able to tint itself blue, partially blocking incoming light, without the need for an external power source. The device also functions as a small transpa...

(Infographic) World Design Rankings

Welcome 2015, the world of design is awaiting your take on the future. Like Karim Rashid once said that he has learnt to embrace change from a very early age, we too should brace ourselves for change in the early part of the year. Syncing in with changes, is the A’ Design Award & Competition and along with it are the World Design Rankings. We are sure you’d be curious to know if your coun...


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[매일경제] "글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스, Annual Trend Report 2024 발표"

[매일경제] "2022 트렌드 전망 보고서' 파괴적 혁신 기술과 글로벌 유망 비즈니스 총망라"

[동아일보] "트렌드버드, 기업 고객 위한 맞춤형 동영상 제작 서비스 제공"

[한국경제] "트렌드버드, 글로벌 유니콘 스타트업 및 트렌드 분석 영상 서비스"

[조선일보] "트렌드버드, 핵심 비즈니스 키워드 담은 2020 트렌드 전망 보고서 발간"

[연합뉴스] "트렌드버드, 실리콘밸리 벤처캐피탈 투자 동향 및 유망 기업 분석 보고서 발행"

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세계 최고의 트렌드 리서치: 트렌드버드_ 2022년 Trend Report

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1) Daily Trend Report

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2) Monthly Trend Report : February. 2024 Edition -

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3) Annual Trend Report : 2024 Edition ! -

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  • NO.1  New Biz / Strategy / Business Model   (329-Page) : 신사업, 전략, 비즈니스모델 트렌드
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  • NO.6  Marketing / Advertising / Consumer  (231-Page) : 마케팅, 광고, 컨슈머 동향 트렌드


  • NO.7    AI / Robot / Big-Data Trends   (159-Page) :  AI, 로봇, 빅데이터 트렌드
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  • NO.11  Healthcare / Medical / Bio-Tech   (131-Page) : 헬스케어, 의료기술, 바이오테크 트렌드
  • NO.12  Luxury / Beauty / Fashion   (135-Page) : 럭셔리, 뷰티, 패션 트렌드

4) Quarterly Trend Report : Q3. 2023 Edition -

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5) Trend Database : Search "Artificial Intelligence" -

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