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(PDF) How Personal Technology is Changing our Lives

Modern technology has not only given us permanent access to an abundance of information, it has also granted us the ability to connect with people on the other side of the planet at the touch of a finger and do many other things that seemed unthinkable a couple of decades ago. While these endless possibilities may seem overwhelming at times, the broad consensus among internet users is that tech...

SpaceX Raises $1 Billion In New Funding From Google And Fidelity

Elon Musk's SpaceX has raised $1 billion from Google and Fidelity, confirming earlier reports from The Information and The Wall Street Journal.The two new investors will now own just less than 10% of the company. SpaceX had previously raised $245.5 million in funding, according to CrunchBase, meaning this new round is more than four times bigger than all its other rounds combined. The company i...

(PDF) Microsoft Researchers Use Light Beams to Charge Smartphones

The prototype AutoCharge system uses a Microsoft Kinect camera.Smartphones are amazing but their battery life is frequently absurd. It's not uncommon for people to charge their smartphones once, twice or even more in the course of a single day. Enter a team from Microsoft Research that wants to stop you from worrying about plugging in your phone.Yunxin Liu, Zhen Qin and Chunshui Zhao from Micro...

The Cold Shoulder Calorie Burning Vest Designed by a NASA Scientist

Designed by a NASA scientist, this vest burns up to a pound of fat per week (500 calories/day) using comfortable, mild cold exposure.The Problem - Exercise is not the only way to burn caloriesThe first thing I always hear when I say I’m touting a “cold vest” is, “I don’t like being cold.” But think of all the other crazy things people do in order to try to lose excess fat. Starving themse...

(Video) Care-O-bot 4 : The New Modular Service Robot Generation from Fraunhofer

Six and a half years after the previous iteration, the Fraunhofer Institute has released an update to Care-o-bot. The affordable service robot for personal and professional use has been made it more agile, more modular and much more personable?, ?bringing science fiction fantasy a little closer to reality.Care-O-bot 4 is composed of 6 independent modules for added flexibilityPossible applicatio...

Google Glass App Lets Tesco Shoppers Navigate Aisles Digitally

Tesco released the wearable app to give grocery-seekers an enhanced experience in their stores. Google Glass users in the UK now have the option to navigate grocery store aisles with high-tech help. Available as of this week, a new app will offer a variety of shopper-eye insights into the products on a major chain’s shelves.British supermarket chain Tesco recently announced its release of the...

Futuristic Qoros Qloud Qubed Concept Car for Average Chinese Family with 2 Children

Qloud Qubed (Q) demonstrates the vision of Qoros that wants to create multi-dimensional personal management assistant in physical world. It reflects anything that this brand stands for: elegance, simplicity, and dynamism. Qloud Qubed or Q represents trust since the depth and value of human relationships are connected to the level of trust between individuals, this concept works similar. The dyn...

Futuristic World Illustrations

Futuristic graphic illustrations combine real life and imagination to show you a world in science fictions.They come from different series of the artist, like “Past in the Future”, “Cataclysm Happens” and “Wonders of the World”.[inewidea]

(Infographic) 2015 Consumer Goods Trends

As consumers, media, and markets splinter, packaged-goods companies must figure out how to profit from fragmentation.[click to enlarge]Manufacturers of consumer packaged goods (CPG) face two key challenges in 2015. The first is continued slow or negative growth in people’s disposable incomes. The second is changing consumer attitudes toward products and brands, as the the great fragmentation o...

(Video) PureLiFi Raises $2M to Create Wireless Networks from Light Bulbs

Scottish startup PureLiFi has announced a ?1.5 million ($2.25 million) funding round ? valuing the company at ?14 million ($21 million) ? as it looks to introduce Internet connectivity via light bulbs around the world.Founded in 2012, PureLiFi ? previously known as PureVLC ? is a spin-out from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland’s capital, and is led by Professor Harald Haas. During a TED...

Yes, Your Shoes Really are Getting More Expensive

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics just released a report showing that clothing got 2 percent cheaper on average over the last year in the US. Underwear, sweaters, jewelry, and watches have all gone down in price. But it will probably surprise no American who has recently shopped for new boots, loafers, or heels to learn that one category has gotten more expensive: shoes.On average, BLS reports...

(Video) Tiny, Ultralight Geco 1080p Action Cam Mounts to Sunglasses

The Geco Mark II weighs just 20 grams.The idea of video eyeglasses and sunglasses always sounds great at first ? forget strapping a boxy camera to your head and get footage straight from your glasses. What's not so great is the limited selection and acquired taste nature of the options currently available. Not everyone is into the "Red Bull-chuggin' extreme" styling of the Pivotheads or the "fo...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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