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1.고객 가치 : 향후 2-3년간 시장을 주도할 것으로 예상되는 기술과 사업 기회에 대한 전망을 제공하며, 기업들은 (1) 미래 유망 사업 기회를 선제적으로 포착해서 (2) 새로운 기술에 대한 선제적 투자가 가능하며 (3) 잠재적 위험을 식별하고 대비해서 (4) 급변하는 시장 환경에서 경쟁 우위를 확보할 수 있습니다.
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3.주요 고객 : 800여개 선도 기업의 CEO/경영진 및 미래전략/신사업, R&D/선행 기술연구소, 마케팅/디자인, CX센터, 오픈이노베이션/CVC 등 핵심 전략 부서에서 구독 중


Quinque Washer Features 5 Laundry Baskets to Wash Your Laundry Individually

Living in a share house can be difficult to get your own privacy and security, there are certain rules to follow so that you can live with others in harmony. Shared house also means shared laundry room, this is where Quinque Washer concept comes in handy. You don’t need to worry of getting late because someone doesn’t finish the laundry on time, this concept washer allows up to 5 laundry bask...

(Infographic) Which Programming Language Should I Learn First ?

So you want to learn programming. Maybe you have asked your developer friends for recommendations and get different answers. They explained with terms that you don’t understand (what is object-oriented?!). [click to enlarge]To help you to pick your first programming language to learn, here is an easy-to-understand infographic that recommends the best option, depending on your purpose and inter...

The 11 Coolest Things at CES, From Wi-Fi Tea Kettles to Electric Roller Skates

The show has barely begun, and we’ve already seen enough weird and wonderful tech to fill a house. And that’s precisely the point of many of the items on display here at CES; New devices for smartening up your home are plentiful. We’ve seen kitchen appliances, lighting systems, and electrical conduits that are designed to be safer, to consume less power, and to be controlled via mobile apps....

(PDF) Mckinsey : 4 Trends Shaping China’s Retail Banking Landscape

China’s retail banking revenues have grown 30 percent a year since 2009 and could exceed RMB 2.6 trillion (over US$430 billion) by 2020, making the country the largest retail banking market in Asia. Intense competition for the Chinese retail banking consumer’s wallet has accompanied this fast growth. Meanwhile, the retail banking landscape has faced several challenges, including interest rate...

Venture Capitalist Peter Thiel is Investing in Marijuana

Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund pours funds into the company behind Leafly, an online cannabis community.Well, sort of. Founders Fund, a venture capital firm he cofounded, is announcing today that it participated in cannabis-focused private equity firm Privateer Holdings‘ $75 million round of funding, of which it has secured about $50 million so far. (To be clear, Founders Fund partner Geoff Lewi...

(Video) This Energy Monitor Can Control an Entire House of Appliances Remotely

Smappee from Belgium can itemize electricity usage and control a household full of devices by retrofitting them with Internet of Things capabilities.The ever-growing Internet of Things promises a programmable, wifi connected utopia of objects that act on the consumer’s behalf, fulfilling their every need and desire. While innovations such as Jibo and Mellow inch us ever closer to this reality,...

CES 2015: Sex Tech Plunges Into The Wearables Market

With an upcoming app, OhMiBod aims to promote sexual health (and its customers’ pleasure) by upgrading its devices.PSFK has frequently noted benchmark moments in the marriage of sex and tech, as when developers made long-distance relationships more intimate and offered to turn everyday object into playthings with an updated pencil sharpener. One company’s showing at CES 2015, however, looks t...

America's Best-Selling Vehicles In 2014

According to auto sales data tracking website Good Car Bad Car, over 750,000 Ford F-Series Pickups were sold across the United States in 2014, making it the year's best-selling vehicle. In fact, pickup trucks actually claimed the top three positions on America's bestseller list last year. The Chevolet Silverado came a distant second behind the F-Series, with 529,755 sold. The top three was roun...

(Video) Why The Quantum Dot is the Hottest TV Tech Going

If you’ve been paying attention to the market for TVs over the last few months, and especially during CES this week, you’ve been hearing a lot about 4K and 8K. But the real action today, and going forward, is in quantum dots.Known alternately as QDots or nanocrystals, quantum dots are the foundation behind what is expected to be one of the biggest sea changes in the television market over the...

A Cabinet Formed From Intersecting Squares

Mexican designer Joel Escalona partnered with French company Roche Bobois on an intriguing cabinet called Booleanos. The storage piece’s architectural facade is formed from the illusion of layered squares that are emphasized with various shades of gray panels.Despite the offset angles, the cabinet is built for storage with three doors, one drawer, and one flap that open up to reveal storage sp...

Spinal Implant Could One Day Let Paralyzed People Walk Again

EPFL's soft-and-stretchy e-Dura implant (Photo: EPFL/Alain Herzog)Three years ago, scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) reported success in getting rats with severed spinal cords to walk again. They did so by suspending the animals in a harness, then using implants to electrically stimulate neurons in their lower spinal cord. Although this ultimately resulted in the ra...

(PDF) Understanding 5G : Perspectives on Future Technological Advancements in Mobile

Study Explores Technical Requirements, Use Cases and Implications for Ecosystem.The GSMA has released a major new report at the GSMA Mobile 360-Europe event being held in Brussels today, outlining its perspectives on the development of 5G. The new GSMA Intelligence report, ‘Understanding 5G: Perspectives on Future Technological Advancements in Mobile’, provides an overview of network technolo...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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