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* TRENDBIRD는 글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 기업으로, 800여개 글로벌 기업의 CEO와 경영진들이 18년간 구독해 온 높은 신뢰도의 서비스로 85%를 상회하는 재계약률을 자랑합니다.

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3.주요 고객 : 800여개 선도 기업의 CEO/경영진 및 미래전략/신사업, R&D/선행 기술연구소, 마케팅/디자인, CX센터, 오픈이노베이션/CVC 등 핵심 전략 부서에서 구독 중


(Patent) Is Nike Working to Re-Establish Itself in the World of Wearable Tech ?

The patented Nike shirt that could track your heart rate and blood pressure while you exercise.Nike appears to be looking into new uses for the Nike+ sensor it first released in 2006. A patent awarded to the company on Dec. 9 shows a device that looks very similar to the Nike+ sensor slotting into a sleeveless shirt that has, as the patent says, the ability to monitor various levels and send th...

The Montblanc Timewalker Urban Speed e-Strap

The First Foray Into Digital Wearables From A Traditional Luxury Player Is Upon UsWe all knew it was coming, but we just didn't know in what capacity the technology would manifest itself at first. As of this morning, the first of 2015, Montblanc presents the first foray into digital wearables from a traditional luxury brand with its Timewalker Urban Speed e-Strap. Click through for the details....

(PDF) Digital Life in 2025 - Technology’s Impact on Workers

The internet and cell phones have infiltrated every cranny of American workplaces, and digital technology has transformed vast numbers of American jobs. Work done in the most sophisticated scientific enterprises, entirely new technology businesses, the extensive array of knowledge and media endeavors, the places where crops are grown, the factory floor, and even mom-and-pop stores has been resh...

ThinkUp Helps the Social Network User See the Online Self

Anil Dash, a longtime tech entrepreneur and blogger, was recently studying a list of the top words he had used on Twitter over the course of a month during the fall. Mr. Dash has half a million followers on Twitter, and like a lot of people in tech and media circles, he uses the social network to chat with colleagues, to pontificate about technology, politics and pop culture, and to participate...

The Cost of Driving

Where is the most expensive place to own a car ?REAL incomes have stagnated in many rich countries and family budgets are feeling the pinch. In Britain fuel costs 50% more than it did in 2007. But petrol prices are just one of the costs of running a car; owners also have to fork out for insurance, road tax and servicing. Using data from the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister company, the c...

Camping Doughnut - Effortless Camping Tent

The biggest killjoy of camping is the pitching of the tents. Making this experience more effortless and easy is the Camping Doughnut. It not only fosters community living whilst promoting individual space, it’s also easier to setup than most tents. The design offers you the flexibility of configuring it according to your needs. Happy camping people!Designers: Sungha Lim, Hyunmook Lim & Han...

(Infographic) 5 Advertising Predictions for 2015

It has been an “adapt or die” world since anyone can remember. And the world of advertising is no exception. In an industry that’s all about being seen and remembered in a digital environment with an increasing amount of noise, how do you avoid getting lost in the shuffle?While there’s no magic formula, if you can identify trends and understand consumer behavior, then you can stay one step...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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