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1) 프리미엄 멤버십 서비스 : 분야별 전문가들이 글로벌 시장의 핵심적인 사업기회 및 미래동향 정보를 글로벌 시장과 시차없이 제공하여, 미래의 사업기회를 적시에 포착 할 수 있도록 조력하는 ‘글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리포트' 제공
2) 기업 교육 동영상 서비스 : 16년간 축적된 트렌드 DB와 보고서들을 기반으로 ‘글로벌 트렌드 & 인사이트’ 및 ‘실리콘밸리 트렌드와 유망 스타트업’, ‘이머징 테크 사용자 경험’ 교육 동영상 시리즈와 함께 '기업 내 생성 AI의 기업 활용 방안' 등을 국내 다수의 그룹사에 제공해 경영진과 구성원들의 글로벌 감각과 창의적인 인사이트 효과적 습득 지원
3) 커스텀 리서치와 컨설팅 & 구현 프로젝트 : 'SK 그룹을 위한 기업을 위한 생성 AI 적용 방안과 Use Case 분석' 프로젝트와 아트 부산에 'AI 도입 (Chat Docent와 AI 키오스크) 기획 및 구현' 프로젝트 제공


This Pocketable Wallet for Your NFTs is The Next Big Thing in Digital Assets

LAYER Design has shown the desire to be on the cusp of technologies that facilitate, and go hand in hand with cultural shifts. Now the United Kingdom-based design agency has ventured into the domain of digital currency and assets with a gadget for the geekiest of them all.They’ve collaborated with designer Tony Fadell (Former Apple executive and cocreator iPod and iPhone) and technology brand...

‘Smart Plastic’ Material is Step Forward Toward Soft, Flexible Robotics and Electronics

A new plastic-like material developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin can be manipulated to be soft and stretchy or hard and rigid with only the application of a catalyst and visible light.Inspired by living things from trees to shellfish, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin set out to create a plastic much like many life forms that are hard and rigid in some pl...

(PDF) BCG - Adopting an Ecosystem-First Mindset in Software

Modern partner ecosystems offer multiple advantages to software firms—but many struggle to build one. Here are five critical strategies for success.As technology becomes ever more crucial for business, companies face many challenges in realizing its benefits. Buying centers proliferate across their enterprise, data security and privacy face increasingly sophisticated threats, and modernizing l...

(Patent) Apple Invents a Smart Ring that Could Sense a User's Health Conditions

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that relates to a wearable self-mixing interferometry (SMI) ring that could be used to sense physiological conditions of a user, such as a heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure and more. In some embodiments, the ring could support an OLED display with indicator lights. The ring could be a health device...

Amazon Wants to Kill the Barcode

Amazon built a computer vision algorithm from scratch to identify products without barcodes to help robots ship products to you faster.Robots may be the future, but robotic arms are apparently no good at using an old and steadfast form of technology: the barcode. Barcodes can be hard to find and might be affixed to oddly shaped products, Amazon said in a press release Friday, something robots c...

(M&A) Microsoft Acquires Lumenisity, An Innovator in Hollow Core Fiber (HCF) Cable

Today, Microsoft announced it has acquired Lumenisity® Limited, a leader in next-generation hollow core fiber (HCF) solutions. Lumenisity’s innovative and industry-leading HCF product can enable fast, reliable and secure networking for global, enterprise and large-scale organizations. The acquisition will expand Microsoft’s ability to further optimize its global cloud infrastructure and serv...

Visualizing Tech Company Layoffs in 2022

Layoffs are happening so frequently in 2022 that everyone from Crunchbase to Indian tech website Inc42 are now keeping track.There is even a standalone website tracking all tech layoffs in the United States.For the purposes of this infographic, we’ve used data from which includes a mix of U.S. and international tech companies that have let workers go in 2022.A Thousand Cuts: Mass Lay...

NTU's Anodes are Twice as Durable as Those Currently in Phone Batteries

Scientists from NTU Singapore have found a way to transform wasted paper into an essential component of lithium-ion batteries.Paper waste clogs up our landfills. It is so ubiquitous, in fact, that paper accounts for around 26 per cent of landfill waste all around the world. But, as sustainability-driven innovators are keen to prove, this surplus of paper waste provides opportunities. Scientist...

This Professional Photography Centric Smartphone Boasts Powerful Camera Sensors

Taking smartphone photography to the next level comes with its own set of physical constraints, like accommodating enough space for the sensor to be fitted. Mobile camera lens accessories do bring professional photography to your pocket with the option of dedicated telephoto, macro or wide-angle shooters.But if you want to have a set of pro-grade lenses on the device without depending on third-...

Can Fila Crack The Chinaverse Through Tmall Sports ?

Finally, Tmall Sports has teamed up with sportswear label Fila on a co-branded digital collectibles release. Announced via Weibo on November 29, the limited-edition project features an interactive event space where users can enter a draw for both a free digital collectible and a physical gift.Fila has spent the past year regaining cultural relevance. Following its collaborations with Hader Acke...

(PDF) Mckinsey - The State of Fashion 2023 Report

In 2023, the global fashion industry will need to weather inflation while finding opportunities in shifting consumer patterns, channel and digital marketing strategies, and manufacturing approaches.After experiencing 18 months of robust growth (early 2021 through mid-2022), the fashion industry is again facing a challenging climate. Hyperinflation and depressed customer sentiments have already...

Wireless Water Revolution For Homes, Cars And More - Watergen

“Thin air” tech will replace piped domestic supplies, says Watergen.It’s over a decade since Watergen introduced the world to its “too good to be true” technology – a machine that makes water out of thin air.Now the Israel-based pioneer aims to build on that success with Wireless Water, which will revolutionize the way we receive our water supply at home – as well as in our cars, caravan...


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[매일경제] "2022 트렌드 전망 보고서' 파괴적 혁신 기술과 글로벌 유망 비즈니스 총망라"

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세계 최고의 트렌드 리서치: 트렌드버드_ 2022년 Trend Report

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  • NO.1  New Biz / Strategy / Business Model   (329-Page) : 신사업, 전략, 비즈니스모델 트렌드
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4) Quarterly Trend Report : Q3. 2023 Edition -

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