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(Paper) Apple’s Future Home Robot Prototype - Elegance

A new paper from Apple’s research arm sheds some light on the company’s plans for robotics in the home.Leaks have indicated Apple has an internal robotics team working on building new home products. But now, via a recently published video, Apple has actually offered its own glimpse into what our robot future could look like.The idea of robots, for me at least, always conjures sci-fi pictures...

(PDF) BCG - Breaking Barriers to Data Center Growth

Data centers are booming, but power, supply chain, and sustainability challenges threaten growth. Companies can surmount the obstacles and meet the growing thirst for computing power.GenAI will be the fastest-growing segment of computing demand from 2023 to 2028, but traditional enterprise workloads such as database management and file sharing and storage will continue to account for the majori...

Self Inspection Raises $3M for Its AI-Powered Vehicle Inspections

A number of startups are racing to make vehicle inspections faster, easier, and cheaper. Self Inspection, a startup based in San Diego, thinks it has them all beat with its AI-powered service — and now it has convinced outside investors.Self Inspection, founded in 2021, is set to announce Thursday it’s raised $3 million in seed round co-led by Costanoa Ventures and DVx Ventures, the firm run...

Why Luxury Is Broken

The sheer number of changes at the top of big brands this week is a sign the industry is still searching for a way out of its current troubles.Hello from New York Fashion Week where a snowstorm is threatening to dampen the festivities. We’re just one month into 2025, and the wave of changes in fashion’s executive and creative leadership ranks continues unabated. There is so much change that i...

Apple Services : A $100-Billion Business

Apple's services division, which includes Apple Pay, Apple Music, Apple TV+ and the App Store - among others - reached an all-time revenue high in the first quarter of fiscal year 2025. Apple’s quarterly services revenue climbed to $26.3 billion in the three months ended December 28, up from $12.7 billion five years ago. Thanks to an installed base of more than 2.3 billion active devices and c...

Wearable Sensors Translate Nature's Invisible Signals Into Haptic Feedback for Humans

Drawing inspiration from how ants detect CO2 to locate food and bees sense temperature changes to maintain their hives, a new wearable system translates invisible signals from natural ecosystems into a sensory experience for humans, offering a novel way to understand and monitor our natural surroundings.The Gaia Communication System (GCS) uses an array of sensors to detect plant health, has bio...

Gaming M&A Dipped in 2024 But Fundraising Doubled

Gaming mergers and acquisitions were down 3% to $11.5 billion in 2024, but fundraising doubled, according to a report by Quantum Tech Partners, an M&A advisory firm.And when it comes to 2025, the winds are shifting in a generally favorable direction, said Alina Soltys, a partner at Quantum Tech Partners, in an interview with GamesBeat.Gaming M&A was flat and carried forward mostly by so...

Movr – It Transforms Delivery Robot To Ridable Personal Robot

Movr Ridable Personal Robot is a concept mobility that bridges movement and activity. It aims to redefine mobility as “ro-bility”, a device that’s capable to transition from robot to mobility mode, supporting your lifestyle. This robot can handle multiple tasks from purchasing items to picking it up, navigating its environment autonomously through digital map and schedule. Upon arrival, it t...

(PDF) Mckinsey - AI in The Workplace : Empowering People to Unlock AI’s Full Potential

Almost all companies invest in AI, but just 1 percent believe they are at maturity. Our research finds the biggest barrier to scaling is not employees—who are ready—but leaders, who are not steering fast enough.Artificial intelligence has arrived in the workplace and has the potential to be as transformative as the steam engine was to the 19th-century Industrial Revolution.1 With powerful and...

Full-Body Scanning Startup, Neko Snaps Up $260M at a $1.8B Valuation

Stockholm startup Neko Health has made a big bet on consumers wanting to learn about their state of health and how to prevent things going wrong. Now investors are making a big bet on Neko. The startup has raised a fresh $260 million in funding, a Series B that values Neko at $1.8 billion post-money. Neko will be using the capital to break into new markets like the U.S.; to continue developing...

How Much Does Sneaker Innovation Matter ?

With so many brands peddling new performance technologies, it can be hard for shoppers to understand what makes one product better than another. It’s on brands to nail the right mix of form and function.On January 30, Nike released a running shoe it says offers the “most energy return” to date in its decades-old Pegasus line, with two types of proprietary foam and its Air cushioning “sculpt...

Arrival Form A Vehicle Platform Turns Into Different Transportation To Meet Your Needs

Arrival Form A is a concept mobility platform designed for versatile vehicle that would be highly functional in severe population density in mega cities. Urban areas are growing rapidly which leads to significant congestion, then creates many mobility challenges. This project is a compact vehicle with modular system that can easily transforms from a personal to ride-sharing vehicle, cargo deliv...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

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