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(PDF) Bain - Luxury in Transition : Securing Future Growth

The latest Bain-Altagamma Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study forecasts long-term growth after spending dipped in 2024, although reinvention is needed for brands to benefit fully.The 23rd edition of the annual Luxury Study, released by Bain & Company and Fondazione Altagamma, the trade association of Italian luxury goods manufacturers, estimates that overall luxury spending totaled €1.48 t...

How Athletic Brewing Sparked A Massive Nonalcoholic Beer Market

The company that dominates the market wants to change how we experience beer.It began, as no beer startup ever has before, with a few too many virgin piña coladas. In December 2014, Bill Shufelt was 15 months into quitting alcohol. He’d never been a problem drinker—he often woke before 6 a.m. to hit the gym, something no one who harbors a punitive relationship with booze would do. But as a d...

(Paper) Paralysed Man Flies Virtual Drone Using Brain Implant

Device that links neural signals to fine movements provides unprecedented control over speed and direction in a video-game obstacle course.Researchers have developed a device that let a 69-year-old man with paralysis fly a virtual drone using only his thoughts.The brain–computer interface (BCI) decoded the man’s brain activity as he imagined moving three groups of digits in real time. By asso...

The World's Richest People, January 2025

The world’s 5 richest are worth a combined $1.2 TRILLION+ as of January 2025.[forbes]

The Future of Online Resale Is Offline - Fashionphile

Fashionphile, Rebag and other secondhand e-commerce platforms are opening stores and partnering with multibrand retailers in a bid to reach new customers.Fashionphile got its start at the height of the dotcom boom in 1999, when founder Sarah Davis started selling luxury clothes from her own closet on eBay. Today over a million users sell more than $500 million worth of Birkins, Rolexes and othe...

Sustained Value Creation : The Test of the Best

Delivering net profits and real top-line growth year after year is a rare feat. The companies that achieve it reward their investors handsomely.[bain]

(CES 2025) Flint Unveils Biodegradable Paper Batteries

Flint, a Singapore-based company specializing in sustainable energy solutions, presented its groundbreaking paper batteries at CES 2025.We’ve made batteries out of all sorts of materials, from lithium, to nickel, to lead. But one startup featured at CES this week has produced a battery made of paper, believe it or not. Flint’s paper battery is poised to provide a more sustainable and affordab...

Tiny Insect-like Robot Can Flip, Loop and Hover for Up to 15 Minutes

An insect-inspired robot that only weighs as much as a raisin can perform acrobatics and fly for much longer than any previous insect-sized drone without falling apart.An insect-inspired robot that only weighs as much as a raisin can perform acrobatics and fly for much longer than any previous insect-sized drone without falling apart. For tiny flying robots to make nimble manoeuvres, they need...

(PDF) Google Cloud - AI Business Trends Report

Multimodal AI, enhanced enterprise search and more: Be sure to check out all of Google Cloud’s thoughts on how AI will impact businesses this year.From personalized recommendations on your favorite streaming service to AI-powered agents that help you plan your day, artificial intelligence is already changing our lives. And for businesses, it's about to get even bigger: 2025 will be a pivotal y...

Dentsu Vietnam Innovates For Advocacy With Malnutrition Plates for UNICEF

Dentsu Vietnam has launched MalNutrition Plates, a campaign that has turned everyday tableware into powerful symbols of advocacy to raise awareness and drive fundraising for UNICEF’s nutrition programs in Vietnam.With malnutrition being a pressing but often overlooked issue in Vietnam, affecting millions of children, the campaign set out to make an invisible problem visible by engaging with a...

OpenAI has Created an AI Model for Longevity Science

The company is making a foray into scientific discovery with an AI built to help manufacture stem cells.OpenAI teamed up with Retro Biosciences to build a machine learning model focused on generating new proteins. The new model, called GPT-4b, is a custom version of OpenAI’s GPT-4o model built specifically for Retro that is focused on bioengineering. Interestingly enough, the model is less foc...

AI Coding Startups Reach SKy-High Valuations at Lightning Speed

Looking back on 2024, one of the biggest trends that stands out is the explosion of the AI-powered coding assistant scene.Startups in the space that have raised massive rounds include: *Poolside ($626M in total equity funding)*Magic ($456M)*Augment Code ($252M)*Codeium ($240M)*Cognition AI ($196M)*Cursor ($173M)That’s alongside products from big tech like Microsoft’s GitHub Copilot, Meta’s o...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

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