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* TRENDBIRD는 글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 기업으로, 800여개 글로벌 기업의 CEO와 경영진들이 18년간 구독해 온 높은 신뢰도의 서비스로 85%를 상회하는 재계약률을 자랑합니다.

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3.주요 고객 : 800여개 선도 기업의 CEO/경영진 및 미래전략/신사업, R&D/선행 기술연구소, 마케팅/디자인, CX센터, 오픈이노베이션/CVC 등 핵심 전략 부서에서 구독 중


(Video) The First Stick and Shoot Camera - Podo

Podo is the world’s first 'stick and shoot,' app-controlled cameraThe portable Podo camera sticks to any solid surface, using its magnet or suction pad, and connects wirelessly with smartphones via Bluetooth to take photos, videos and time-lapse GIFS. Consumers can use the device to take group photos from unique vantage points (like ceilings), but it’s intended for any situation when photos m...

Swirl, Dip, Splash!

Bathroom faucets have evolved from the lowly status of being tools to wash our hands to status symbols. Taking the design evolution a step in the direction of engineering, the Swirl Faucet focuses its attention on the flow of the water. It features beautiful flow with intricate swirls, giving you the kind of hand wash that makes you feel like the rich and famous, even if you’re not!Designer :...

Evolution of the Vacuum

Whether you’re all about the ease of a vacuum or like things the old school broom-in-hand way, tidying up where the wall meets the floor can be tricky either way. The ingenious Vacuum Band stretches out, attaches to any wall and even flexes to the walls unique curves and corners to pick up stubborn lint, dirt, hair and other small debris. Set it and forget it to effortlessly clean those hard t...

Apple Passed Samsung In Q4 Smartphone Sales, 1.9B Mobiles Sold Overall In 2014

If 2014 goes down as the year when smartphone sales globally passed the 1 billion mark (1.2 billion, to be exact, from a total of 1.9 billion mobile phones overall), Q4 will go down as the quarter when Samsung lost its footing as the world’s leader in the category for the first time since 2011. Today, Gartner published its figures for smartphone sales for the year and final quarter of 2014, an...

(PDF) BCG - The Digital Imperative

As entire industries are disrupted by bold digital entrants and business models, more and more companies are at risk of extinction. Music, retailing, media, and travel are far along on this path, but we are also seeing similar patterns in more traditional industries, such as banking, agriculture, energy, health care, industrial goods, and manufacturing.Digital strategy and transformation must t...

(Video) NTT's New Projection Mapping Technique Brings Paintings to Life

If a hanging portrait suddenly smiles back at you, it might be something you've eaten, but it might also be HenGenTou ? a new light projection technique developed by NTT Communication Science Laboratories that magically brings static objects like paintings to life.Projection mapping (known as Shader Lamps), where a real object is overlaid with a projected image, is both costly and technically d...

(Video) Buhel Tech Sunglasses + Headphones: No Earphones Or Wires !

Buhel Sound Glasses can communicate with smart devices, MP3 players, and GPSThe Buhel SG05 Soundglasses are high-tech sunglasses that allow the wearer to listen to music from their smart devices as well as make calls hands-free.Unlike typical headphones or in-ear earphones, the Soundglasses use bone conduction technology, which relays the audio or music as vibrations that travel through the use...

Race to The Bottom

INFLATION rates around the world have been sinking over the last three years. Pervasive economic weakness in the rich world and a slowdown in Chinese growth drove the initial decline. [click to enlarge]Lately tumbling oil prices have helped to push inflation into negative territory across much of the euro area. America, Britain and China, where inflation rates have dropped below 1%, may soon jo...

Countertop Cooking Appliance Concept You Can Control With Your Phone

Cooc combines lab-grade precision heating, a smartphone-based interface, and sophisticated design.Cooc is a concept for a cooking appliance, which is controlled by an accompanying app. Designed by Impel Studio, the versatile countertop appliance features a thermal probe, induction heating, sensors, and a Wi-Fi connection. It could lead to improved accuracy and the ability to easily control the...

Capsules of Light

The Ignite light is a fresh take on the emergency torch that strays from the bulky body, opting for a sleeker yet equally effective form. The modular design is intended for a multitude of purposes, including power outages, roadside breakdowns, or recreational camping. Simple separate the two halves of the capsule to automatically activate the LEDs. One half provides a directional beam for spotl...

(Infographic) How Multilingual Is Your Country ?

In recognition of the importance of language and to celebrate Mother Language day, SwiftKey conducted some research on the languages ? and combinations of languages their users are typing in around the world.The ensuing infographic identifies the most and least multilingual countries worldwide (and a few other interesting factoids) as determined by how many citizens speak more than one (or two...

(Infographic) How Startup Valuation Works ? Measuring a Company’s Potential

How would you measure the value of a company? Especially, a company that you started a month ago ? how do you determine startup valuation? That is the question you will be asking yourself when you look for money for your company.Infographic :[fundersandfounders]

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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