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* TRENDBIRD는 글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 기업으로, 800여개 글로벌 기업의 CEO와 경영진들이 18년간 구독해 온 높은 신뢰도의 서비스로 85%를 상회하는 재계약률을 자랑합니다.

1.고객 가치 : 향후 2-3년간 시장을 주도할 것으로 예상되는 기술과 사업 기회에 대한 전망을 제공하며, 기업들은 (1) 미래 유망 사업 기회를 선제적으로 포착해서 (2) 새로운 기술에 대한 선제적 투자가 가능하며 (3) 잠재적 위험을 식별하고 대비해서 (4) 급변하는 시장 환경에서 경쟁 우위를 확보할 수 있습니다.
2.경쟁 우위 : (1) 구체적 사례 중심의 트렌드 분석 (2) 실시간 글로벌 시장 동향 (3) 글로벌 전문가 정보 네트워크 (4) 기업 맞춤형 서비스 제공을 통해 혁신적인 비즈니스 발굴을 지원합니다.
3.주요 고객 : 800여개 선도 기업의 CEO/경영진 및 미래전략/신사업, R&D/선행 기술연구소, 마케팅/디자인, CX센터, 오픈이노베이션/CVC 등 핵심 전략 부서에서 구독 중


Here’s How Marketers Late To Mobile Game Can Still Win

Many marketers aren’t functioning at the top of their mobile game, and they’re not likely to admit it. But it’s time to get hip, friends. Mobile adoption is increasing and there’s still time to get it right (assuming you’re not already) ? and win. And here are some stats to frighten you into acting now!Recent research from PunchTab shows the “global mobile wallet market is expected to rea...

Tablet Adoption Remains Low in South Korea

Only 20% of the country's population will use a tablet this year.Tablet penetration is lower in South Korea than in any other advanced digital market in Asia-Pacific, according to eMarketer’s latest estimates of tablet usage around the world. This year, we expect just over 20% of South Korea’s population to use a tablet at least once per month, compared with over 45% of the population of Aust...

Inkless Printing and Smartframes Bring Living Room Walls Online

Wundershine is an image framing system which enables users to adorn their walls with their latest digital photos, printed on inkless thermal photo paper.Online photo sharing platforms may enable users to share their snaps with people around the world, but the prime spot for a beautiful photo remains on the living room wall. Looking to help consumers get their photos out of the iPhone and into t...

Conversion Efficiency Record Crushed by First Solar at 21.5%

Last year, First Solar set a world record for conversion efficiency mark for cadmium telluride at 20.4 percent. A year later and that figure has now been easily passed with a new record of 21.5 percent, and with that, First Solar anticipates to exceed 22 percent in 2015. [click to enlarge]According to the firm, “The achievement places First Solar ahead of its established research cell roadmap,...

Volvo Expands Project Enabling Cars to Share Information on Road Conditions

How Volvo's cloud-based system warns drivers of hazardous driving conditionsVolvo is a company known primarily for two things: safety and cars that look like the crate they're shipped in. The company may have lost the boxy image years ago, but it has never lost its dedication to safety. At the forefront of a raft of safety trends and developments for decades, Volvo recently announced that it is...

(Video) Smart Measuring Tape Aims to Take the Guesswork Out of Online Shopping

Xyze's On smart measuring tape is aimed at making online shopping less of a guessing game.No matter how sure you are of your size, buying clothes online always carries the risk that they won't fit correctly when they arrive. With different brands having different ideas of what's small, medium and large, how do you know for certain that you've ticked the right box? Italian fashion startup Xyze (...

Honey I Printed a Lamp

2015 is the year of the 3D printer. You’ll pretty much be able to print anything soon. But what about the poor little ink printer? Everybody just takes it for granted. The guys at YOY decided to give our little forgotten friend some street cred. Here’s the ultra simple Poster Lamp. Printed on a simple sheet of paper, just about anybody can put one together. And let’s not deny, it looks just...

Xiaomi Smartphone Sales Surge to Top Samsung as China’s No. 1

Xiaomi Corp. almost tripled shipments to overtake Samsung Electronics Co. as China’s top smartphone vendor last year, according to researcher IDC.Xiaomi, founded in 2010, captured 12.5 percent of the 421 million units sold in China during 2014, up from a 5.3 percent share the year earlier, IDC said in a statement. Samsung shipments slipped 22 percent, the only decline among the nation’s top f...

(Video) Flashback Clothing Defeats Paparazzi At Their Own Game

Fame is a double-edge sword bearing its own kind of endurance tests. One of these is certainly dealing with the paparazzi, those annoying photographers who live by their own rules concerning the invasion of the personal privacy of those in the public eye. While it may be true that this kind of attention comes with the fame-territory, that old adage about what's good for the goose is good for th...

(PDF) Chief Digital Officers in The Telecom Industry

As telecom operators move ever more rapidly into the age of digitization, a growing number of them are appointing high-level executives to lead the charge. The task of the executives, who are often designated “chief digital officers,” or CDOs, is to gather the cross-functional expertise and capabilities needed to take advantage of their companies’ privileged position as enablers of the digit...

Where Do Employees Work Longer Than 9 To 5 ?

The standard 40-hour working week is definitely a myth in Turkey, according to research conducted by the OECD. 43 percent of Turkish employees put in a shift in excess of 50 hours every week. That amounts to approximately 1,855 hours every year, noticeably higher than the OECD average of 1,765. When it comes to gender, 47 percent of men work more than 50 hours per week compared to 33 percent of...

(PDF) Harris Interactive - Connected Car Consumer Study

Connected Car High-Tech Features Popular, But More Marketing Muscle Needed to Spur Demand, Adoption. Lack of consumer education also allowing Connected Car privacy concerns to persistMove over George Jetson. You're not the only one able to transition from favorite at-home or in-office technology to the car, where a 'personal assistant' makes dinner plans, reads messages, converts verbal replies...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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