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Nordstrom is Consumers’ Favorite Fashion Retailer

Nordstrom is Consumers’ Favorite Fashion Retailer, According to Market Force Study Foot Locker tops list as favorite shoe store Findings from a national consumer study by Market Force Information, a worldwide leader in customer intelligence solutions, revealed that Nordstrom is consumers’ favorite fashion retailer for the third consecutive year, followed by Kohl’s, T.J. Maxx, Macy’s and Dil...

80% of All Mobile Data is Consumed by Just 10% of Users

Cisco Systems this week offered some insight into just how much mobile data the world is consuming ? 2.5 exabytes a month, to be exact ? and now a new report from Amdocs sheds a little light on who among those billions of users is consuming the most. Amdocs found that just 10 percent of mobile users are consuming 80 percent of the world’s mobile data traffic.Amdocs, a telecom equipment maker t... Secures a $600M Valuation ? Before It’s Even Launched a Site

Cue the “bubble” chatter., which plans to launch an online e-commerce marketplace, has raised a $140 million convertible note that gives the company a reported post-money valuation of $600 million.And it hasn’t even launched its site yet. All there is at right now is a big “coming soon” banner, a glowing quote from Businessweek, and a place to enter your email address so yo...

How GrubHub Seamless Will Capture a Bigger Bite of the $70B Takeout Market

GrubHub Seamless has already captured 20% of the $9 billion market for online ordering from restaurants ? but now it wants to get into the delivery business, too.Based on company estimates charted for us by BI Intelligence, Americans spend only $9 billion a year ordering food from restaurants online, which is just a fraction of the $70 billion market for food takeout and delivery. Of that $9 bi...

(Video) DARPA Moving Forward on Developing Prostheses with Sense of Touch

DARPA has been spending a lot of money in the last decade developing advanced prosthetic technologies to help wounded military folks get back to a normal life. Despite recent advances in technology for upper-limb prostheses, artificial arms and hands are still unable to provide users with sensory feedback, such as the “feel” of things being touched or awareness of limb position and movement....

Next Generation Armor Inspired by Animal Scales

3D-printed scales introduced onto a soft substrate cause the material to become tougher.We've seen scientists examine everything from the structure of sea sponges to the clubbing ability of mantis shrimps in the search for next generation lightweight armor systems. Researchers at Northeastern University’s College of Engineering believe that fish scales could hold the key to creating armor that...

This Office of The Future Will Have You Climbing The Walls

If this is the office of the future, count me in. This entry by interior designers Sean Cassidy and Joe Wilson won the Metropolis Workplace of the Future 2.0 competition with their Organic Grid+. They tell Metropolis:“In our minds, workers are the heart of most businesses and should be treated as such,” says Cassidy. “If we spend one-third of our lives at work, then we should create a greate...

Shake Shack’s Secret Sauce ? It Cares.

Shake Shack went public with a huge splash in late January. It priced 5.75 million shares at US$21 a share, raising $121 million. The stock promptly doubled on its first day of trading, giving the 63-unit chain a valuation of nearly $1.7 billion. While the stock has since slipped a bit, it still boasts an impressive valuation.The company was founded by high-end restaurant impresario Danny Meyer...

"The Spiraling Ribbon Chapel" in Japan Looks Like Gently Twining Ribbons

The spiraling Ribbon Chapel by Tokyo-based Hiroshi Nakamura is a gracefully flowing structure tucked away in a luxury resort on the Hiroshima shoreline in Japan. The building is wrapped in two ribbon-like staircases, which flow around a central structure, creating a unique chapel for couples to seal their wedding vows. The painted wooden staircases rise 15.4 meters, intertwining with one anoth...

Study Shows Which Mobile Ads Get Millennial Moms' Attention

Study Shows Which Mobile Ads Get Millennial Moms' Attention 77% of U.S. mothers respond to pics of babies.Today, Johnson & Johnson's BabyCenter and the Interactive Advertising Bureau's Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence is releasing a study that dives into how young moms?18 to 32 years old?in the U.S., Brazil, Canada, China and the United Kingdom use mobile devices and respond to adverti...

Meat(-Free) Markets : Vegan Ventures Evolve as More People Try No-Animal Diets

As veganism becomes less of a fringe dietary restriction and more of a means to eat creatively, new vegan food businesses and products are surfacing increasingly.The Herbivorous Butcher: When Eataly opened nearly five years ago, its forward-thinking “vegetable butcher” made headlines. Now, siblings Aubry and Kale Welch are one-upping the veggie knife skills act with The Herbivorous Butcher, a...

Something’s Fishy : New Device Sniffs Out Seafood Fraud

Appreciate a well-cooked tuna steak or salmon wrapped in a sushi roll? There’s a good chance the fish sitting on your plate or in your grocery store’s seafood case is not what its label says it is, according to the ocean conservancy group Oceana. So you could be paying a premium for red snapper that’s really just plain old tilapia.University of South Florida scientists have now made a handhe...

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* [동아일보] 트렌드버드의 2025년 전망 …“AI컴패니언, 로보택시, 비만치료제 시장에 주목”

* [중앙일보] 글로벌 마켓센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스 트렌드버드,  불황기의 유망 비즈니스 발굴 지침서 발표

( Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스에 관심있으신 기업/기관 담당자분들께서는 service@trendbird.biz로 본인이 소속된 조직명과 부서명, 직책 및 연락처를 기입하신 후 이메일을 보내주시면, Trendbird Premium Membership 서비스 소개 자료를 발송해 드리도록 하겠습니다.)


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