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1) 프리미엄 멤버십 서비스 : 분야별 전문가들이 글로벌 시장의 핵심적인 사업기회 및 미래동향 정보를 글로벌 시장과 시차없이 제공하여, 미래의 사업기회를 적시에 포착 할 수 있도록 조력하는 ‘글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리포트' 제공
2) 기업 교육 동영상 서비스 : 16년간 축적된 트렌드 DB와 보고서들을 기반으로 ‘글로벌 트렌드 & 인사이트’ 및 ‘실리콘밸리 트렌드와 유망 스타트업’, ‘이머징 테크 사용자 경험’ 교육 동영상 시리즈와 함께 '기업 내 생성 AI의 기업 활용 방안' 등을 국내 다수의 그룹사에 제공해 경영진과 구성원들의 글로벌 감각과 창의적인 인사이트 효과적 습득 지원
3) 커스텀 리서치와 컨설팅 & 구현 프로젝트 : 'SK 그룹을 위한 기업을 위한 생성 AI 적용 방안과 Use Case 분석' 프로젝트와 아트 부산에 'AI 도입 (Chat Docent와 AI 키오스크) 기획 및 구현' 프로젝트 제공


Most Popular U.S. Undergraduate Degrees (2011–2021)

In an era of soaring tuition fees and mounting student debt, choosing which undergraduate degree to pursue has become a crucial decision for any aspiring college student. And it always helps to see which way the winds are blowing.This visualization by Kashish Rastogi, based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), examines the changing landscape of undergraduate degrees...

This SEGA Handheld Gaming Console Doubles as Pocketable Digital Calendar

Handheld gaming propped up in the form of Merlin console with interchangeable cartridges way back in 1978. The trend for handheld gaming consoles was later sparked by Nintendo Game Boy in 1989. Then SEGA jumped into the bandwagon with Game Gear, its first ever handheld in 1990 and followed it up with the Genesis Nomad released in 1995.Almost a decade later Sony changed the dynamics of handheld...

Scientists Discover a Gel That Whitens Teeth and Kills 94% of Bacteria

When scientists tested this hydrogel on mice, they had cleaner teeth than most humans.Asmile is always in style (even at funerals), and nothing boosts confidence like a mouth full of healthy, pearly white teeth. Unfortunately, however, “healthy” and “pearly white” rarely go hand in hand. Brushing doesn’t remove deep stains, and whitening treatments can erode the enamel, increasing the risk...

(Patent) Microsoft Filed a Patent for an AI Backpack Straight Out of a Sci-fi Movie

Students and office workers who carry heavy laptops and a plethora of personal items with them every day rely on backpacks to hold their belongings. For those people, there's good news: Microsoft may soon be infusing backpacks with artifical intelligence (AI) to take a backpack's function to a new level.A patent filed by Microsoft that showcases the concept of the AI backpack was filed on May 2...

(PDF) Bain - The New Era of Immersive Entertainment

How will media companies navigate the shift from “lean back” to “lean forward” ?The media industry is entering a new era of more immersive content.Revenue streams from immersive platforms could grow US media revenues by as much as 20% by 2030.To prepare, media companies should build up their capabilities to develop “lean-in” content, real-time operations, and nonlinear storytelling.The me...

(Video) Meta has a Secret VR Headset That May have a Key Advantage over Apple's Vision Pro

The headset, named Flamera, solves the biggest problem with mixed reality, and the solution is right in front of our eyes.There's one thing that all mixed reality (and some virtual reality) headsets have in common but not one has truly perfected yet, and that's passthrough. Through the meticulous arrangement of cameras and lenses, headsets like the Meta Quest Pro, Apple Vision Pro, and even the...

In U.S., 4% Identify as Vegetarian, 1% as Vegan

While it may feel as though the plant-based section of your local grocery store is always growing, and that more veggie offerings are cropping up on your favorite menus, the number of strict vegans and vegetarians in the US has actually been trending in the opposite direction in the last 4 years.The survey finds that meatless dietary choices have fallen to their lowest popularity since the late...

Apptronik Unveils Apollo Humanoid Robot

Apptronik launched its long-awaited Apollo humanoid robot today. The company joins a growing list of robotics companies in the race to commercialize a humanoid.Until now, the company has had a low profile, working primarily on research and development projects with exoskeletons and bipedal locomotion for the U.S. government and the Department of Defense (DoD). While this is Apptronik’s first c...

Google's Chrome Has Taken Over the World

According to data from web-tracking firm StatCounter, Chrome is the world's number 1 internet browser. Between July and August 2023, Chrome was used by 63.6 percent of internet users worldwide. Safari ranked in second place, having been used by just under 20 percent of the world’s online community. Edge (5.4 percent), Firefox (2.9 percent), Opera (2.7 percent) and Samsung (2.3 percent) trail m...

Ultra Slippery Toilet Bowl Stays Clean Forever

Everything put into the toilet slides right to the bottom. A spoon is being used to scoop synthetic feces into a tiny toilet bowl.Anew slippery toilet bowl could free us from the hassle of scrubbing away stains, saving both time and water.The challenge: About 30% of the water used in residential homes goes straight down the toilet, literally. Each time you flush away your waste, you’re sending...

Panasonic Is Testing 'Power-Generating Glass' Panels for Buildings

Panasonic is testing "power-generating glass" which it expects to start selling by 2028 for use in a wide range of buildings. Expect them to be installed in homes and offices by 2028.Perovskite solar cells are integrated with the glass to produce a photovoltaic layer that's just one micron thick sandwiched between two sheets of glass substrate. The manufacturing process uses a combination of Pa...

(PDF) Deloitte - A Generational Shift in Urban Mobility

The pandemic transformed mobility and transportation in cities globally. It highlighted challenges in the system, changed citizens’ expectations, travel preferences, and more. These new patterns provide an opportunity for cities to rethink their future transportation and mobility networks.Deloitte collaborated with ThoughtLab to survey 200 city leaders and 2,000 citizens globally to better und...


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[매일경제] "글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스, Annual Trend Report 2024 발표"

[매일경제] "2022 트렌드 전망 보고서' 파괴적 혁신 기술과 글로벌 유망 비즈니스 총망라"

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[한국경제] "트렌드버드, 글로벌 유니콘 스타트업 및 트렌드 분석 영상 서비스"

[조선일보] "트렌드버드, 핵심 비즈니스 키워드 담은 2020 트렌드 전망 보고서 발간"

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세계 최고의 트렌드 리서치: 트렌드버드_ 2022년 Trend Report

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  • NO.1  New Biz / Strategy / Business Model   (329-Page) : 신사업, 전략, 비즈니스모델 트렌드
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  • NO.7    AI / Robot / Big-Data Trends   (159-Page) :  AI, 로봇, 빅데이터 트렌드
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  • NO.12  Luxury / Beauty / Fashion   (135-Page) : 럭셔리, 뷰티, 패션 트렌드

4) Quarterly Trend Report : Q3. 2023 Edition -

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5) Trend Database : Search "Artificial Intelligence" -

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