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1) 프리미엄 멤버십 서비스 : 분야별 전문가들이 글로벌 시장의 핵심적인 사업기회 및 미래동향 정보를 글로벌 시장과 시차없이 제공하여, 미래의 사업기회를 적시에 포착 할 수 있도록 조력하는 ‘글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리포트' 제공
2) 기업 교육 동영상 서비스 : 16년간 축적된 트렌드 DB와 보고서들을 기반으로 ‘글로벌 트렌드 & 인사이트’ 및 ‘실리콘밸리 트렌드와 유망 스타트업’, ‘이머징 테크 사용자 경험’ 교육 동영상 시리즈와 함께 '기업 내 생성 AI의 기업 활용 방안' 등을 국내 다수의 그룹사에 제공해 경영진과 구성원들의 글로벌 감각과 창의적인 인사이트 효과적 습득 지원
3) 커스텀 리서치와 컨설팅 & 구현 프로젝트 : 'SK 그룹을 위한 기업을 위한 생성 AI 적용 방안과 Use Case 분석' 프로젝트와 아트 부산에 'AI 도입 (Chat Docent와 AI 키오스크) 기획 및 구현' 프로젝트 제공


(Infographic) The 50 Most Valuable Companies in the World in 2023

Market capitalization, or market cap, is one measure of a company’s value as determined by the stock market. It is easily calculated by multiplying the company’s outstanding shares by its current share price.In this graphic, we present a treemap chart that visualizes the world’s top 50 publicly-traded companies by market cap, using data as of Aug. 16, 2023.Editor’s note: While market capita...

Adidas Allows Homer Simpson To Take Center Stage on Stan Smith Sneakers

In today’s interconnected digital age, memes have become a language of their own, transcending traditional forms of communication and bridging gaps between introverts and extroverts alike. These quirky, often relatable snippets of humor have the power to create communities founded on shared interests and a collective sense of amusement. Riding this wave of contemporary culture, numerous clothi...

Luxury Brands Face Uphill Battle as China’s Growth Slows

Economic downturns, while challenging, offer brands an opportunity to reflect and reinvent themselves. Here are three strategies for navigating China's tricky terrain. China’s meteoric development over the last two decades has becomes a growth engine for luxury brands. Given the country’s rapidly expanding middle class, rising incomes, and insatiable appetite for opulence, Chinese consumers h...

(PDF) Mckinsey - Sustainability in Packaging 2023 : Inside The Minds of Global Consumers

Consumer sentiment on sustainability is changing as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. A few common themes are clear, but views on packaging materials and environmental priorities vary by country.Sustainability continues to be an increasingly important issue for the packaging value chain. At the same time, consumer awareness is also growing. As societies emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, co...

(M&A) OpenAI’s First Acquisition is an AI Design Company

Snatching up design studio Global Illumination will help OpenAI bring purpose to this nascent technology.Last year brought us the technological big bang of generative AI. The world was changed overnight by new systems like Midjourney and ChatGPT, which were capable of generating images and articles from nothing but a few written prompts.But the truth is, we’ve barely tapped the potential of th...

Buying Second-Hand Is Gaining Popularity

Second-hand shopping is gaining traction in several countries around the world. Data from the Statista Consumer Insights survey reveals that in the United States, now as many as 60 percent of respondents say they have made at least one second-hand purchase in the past year, up from 49 percent in 2019. A similar trend can be seen in the other countries polled in the survey, with France seeing th...

Ingenious Toothbrush Stores & Dispenses Toothpaste Tablets Like A PEZ Dispenser

With our super hectic lives and chalked-up schedules, bathtime is probably the only time of the day when we get to truly relax and unwind. It’s that precious hour of the day when we can completely indulge in self-care, and pamper ourselves, hence it is my favorite time of the day. Having a beautifully designed bathroom with thoughtful designs will only amplify this special time of the day. The...

(Infographic) Digital Transformation : 4 Essential Strategies for Businesses

Digital technology can have a profound impact on the success of a business, so it’s no surprise that a whopping 93% of organizations are either operating with a digital-first business strategy or plan to in the future.But what does digital transformation involve? In this graphic, sponsored by Airwallex, we explore four strategies that are essential for digital transformation. Let’s dive in.1....

Big Companies Use AI-Generated Ads Because They’re Cheap

Do you really want to know if AI is selling you something? Creating an ad can be tricky and costly, and more brands see generative AI as a means to make that process less painful.Reuters reported large advertising agencies like WPP and multinational corporations like Unilever look to generative AI to cut marketing costs while making more ads. WPP clients Nestlé and Mondelez, makers of Oreo and...

SPAC Mergers Have Hardly Been A Guarantee of Success In Recent Years

Vietnamese EV startup VinFast completed its merger with a SPAC on Monday and its shares soared 68% on its first day of trading — catapulting its valuation to $86 billion, above automotive giants like Volkswagen, Ford, and GM. However, by Wednesday, its shares had dropped sharply around 19%.The rollercoaster debut of VinFast is a familiar tale in the world of SPACs, or special purpose acquisiti...

Urbanista’s Malibu is A New Self-charging Bluetooth Speaker That Won’t Stop The Music

The solar battery in Urbanista's Malibu works with both indoor and outdoor light.Swedish audio brand Urbanista has unveiled a new solar charging wireless Bluetooth speaker, which it's calling the Malibu. Thanks to a small solar panel, this portable speaker doesn't need to be charged in the traditional sense because it can top up its power whenever it's exposed to both outdoor and indoor light....

BCG - How CIOs Can Create Value with Generative AI

Big tech companies have long deployed their innovations internally first. Others should follow suit to seize on GenAI’s potential.Big improvements in the quality and speed of software development, accessto data, and software implementation costs will change how large companies are run.BCG estimates that off-the-shelf coder augmentation solutions enable software development productivity gains o...


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[매일경제] "글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스, Annual Trend Report 2024 발표"

[매일경제] "2022 트렌드 전망 보고서' 파괴적 혁신 기술과 글로벌 유망 비즈니스 총망라"

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[한국경제] "트렌드버드, 글로벌 유니콘 스타트업 및 트렌드 분석 영상 서비스"

[조선일보] "트렌드버드, 핵심 비즈니스 키워드 담은 2020 트렌드 전망 보고서 발간"

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세계 최고의 트렌드 리서치: 트렌드버드_ 2022년 Trend Report

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  • NO.1  New Biz / Strategy / Business Model   (329-Page) : 신사업, 전략, 비즈니스모델 트렌드
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  • NO.12  Luxury / Beauty / Fashion   (135-Page) : 럭셔리, 뷰티, 패션 트렌드

4) Quarterly Trend Report : Q3. 2023 Edition -

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