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1) 프리미엄 멤버십 서비스 : 분야별 전문가들이 글로벌 시장의 핵심적인 사업기회 및 미래동향 정보를 글로벌 시장과 시차없이 제공하여, 미래의 사업기회를 적시에 포착 할 수 있도록 조력하는 ‘글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리포트' 제공
2) 기업 교육 동영상 서비스 : 16년간 축적된 트렌드 DB와 보고서들을 기반으로 ‘글로벌 트렌드 & 인사이트’ 및 ‘실리콘밸리 트렌드와 유망 스타트업’, ‘이머징 테크 사용자 경험’ 교육 동영상 시리즈와 함께 '기업 내 생성 AI의 기업 활용 방안' 등을 국내 다수의 그룹사에 제공해 경영진과 구성원들의 글로벌 감각과 창의적인 인사이트 효과적 습득 지원
3) 커스텀 리서치와 컨설팅 & 구현 프로젝트 : 'SK 그룹을 위한 기업을 위한 생성 AI 적용 방안과 Use Case 분석' 프로젝트와 아트 부산에 'AI 도입 (Chat Docent와 AI 키오스크) 기획 및 구현' 프로젝트 제공


ForSight's Cataract Eye Surgery Robot Claims $55M VC Round

ForSight Robotics' $55 million series A round was led by the Adani Group, a corporate conglomerate headquartered in Ahmedabad, India, with businesses in shipping, energy, agriculture and more. ForSight Robotics aims to bring the benefits of a steady, remote-controlled hand to cataract eye surgery, and, now, the Israeli startup is $55 million closer to its goal.The company previously raised $10...

Top 50 Advanced Manufacturing Startups of 2022

The Advanced Manufacturing 50 is CB Insights' annual list of the 50 most promising private advanced manufacturing companies in the world. This year’s inaugural winners cover everything from factory analytics & artificial intelligence (AI) to industrial internet of things (IIoT) cybersecurity.[click to enlarge]CB Insights has unveiled the winners of the first annual Advanced Manufacturing 5...

VoltStorage Raises €24M to Expand Product Offering Beyond Vanadium

Vanadium flow battery storage system developer VoltStorage has raised €24 million (US$24.3 million) in a Series C, part of which will go to developing a new iron salt-based battery.The Germany-based company has raised the capital from Cummins Inc., a large US corporation that develops and distributes engines, filtration, and power generation products.VoltStorage will use the money to develop a...

Saudi Arabian City of The Future to House 9 Million People

A lot of sci-fi movies set in the future have all these amazing looking skyscrapers and modern cities that we think are still years into the future and may not even happen in our lifetime. But the future may not be as far off as we think, especially if these plans for a linear city in Saudi Arabia will push through, then we’re just a step away from cities like that we see in the movies. Well,...

Monthly Trend Report - August.2022

MONTHLY TREND REPORT - August. 2022 Edition Released !TRENDBIRD (What's the Next Big Thing ?) is a Global Trend Research & Consulting Service that Instantly Delivers Industry Expert Information on Emerging Trends & Future Business Opportunities from Around the World, Always Ahead of The Curve."

(Patent) Apple Was Granted 'Augmented Reality Selfies' Patent

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 54 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. In this particular report we briefly cover a patent relating to future AR Selfies, Apple’s Face ID and their AR Measure app. And as always, we wrap up this week's granted patent report with our traditional listing of the remaining granted patents that were issued to Apple today.Apple w...

(PDF) Mckinsey - Tackling Inflation and Margin Pressure in the Sporting Goods Industry

The sporting goods industry faces new challenges from inflation and an emerging economic downturn, adding to existing pressure on input costs and supply chains. Now is the time to act.Following our second annual sporting goods industry report, Sporting goods 2022 – The new normal is here, we have once again teamed up with the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI) to provide t...

An All-Screen Apple MacBook Concept Hovers Between a Laptop and iPad

The idea of an all-screen folding MacBook is out there floating in the tech circle courtesy of a reputed Apple analyst.While you may think, the MacBook is already foldable; the idea in discussion is a laptop with a foldable screen spanning down to the keyboard, offering a device with a complete display and no physical keyboard. Apple’s plan to create something like an all-screen folding MacBoo...

Netflix Lost Almost A Million Subscribers Last Quarter

Almost a million people decided that their lives, and their wallets, would be better off without a Netflix subscription in the last 3 months, as the streaming service reported a second consecutive quarter of falling subscriber numbers.Losing 970,000 subscribers was hardly a success for Netflix, but it was better than the 2 million that they'd expected to lose — which is why the company's share...

“The Essentials Of Experience” : Benny Or On Building Connection Into The Metaverse

The Meeting Place Co-Founder and [0] Creative Director discusses virtual architecting for cultural and social experiences. It’s fitting that the metaverse environment Benny Or co-founded, along with with his partner Cristian Andres and artist Cyril Lancelin, should be dubbed The Meeting Place. For him, the virtual realm is as much a space to build as it is a place to gather. “Architecture dev...

Customer Experience Beats Corporate Values as a Purchase Driver

Nearly all consumers worldwide consider how well a company treats its customers before buying from it. In addition, 85% of consumers are swayed by the way it treats employees, and 78% view environmental practices as a purchase driver.Beyond the chart: Nearly half of consumers worldwide recently switched brands for better customer service, making it the top reason after better deals and product...

Biomedical Engineers Create Tiny, Edible QR Code That Detects Fake Whiskey

Biomedical engineers from Purdue University and the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences in South Korea set a new record in anti-counterfeiting technology with their creation: a tiny QR code printed on an edible silk tag that detects fake whiskey. This revolutionary safety measure was designed for manufacturers to place in bottles of whiskeys, and once purchased, users can scan the QR co...


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[매일경제] "글로벌 마켓 센싱 & 트렌드 리서치 서비스, Annual Trend Report 2024 발표"

[매일경제] "2022 트렌드 전망 보고서' 파괴적 혁신 기술과 글로벌 유망 비즈니스 총망라"

[동아일보] "트렌드버드, 기업 고객 위한 맞춤형 동영상 제작 서비스 제공"

[한국경제] "트렌드버드, 글로벌 유니콘 스타트업 및 트렌드 분석 영상 서비스"

[조선일보] "트렌드버드, 핵심 비즈니스 키워드 담은 2020 트렌드 전망 보고서 발간"

[연합뉴스] "트렌드버드, 실리콘밸리 벤처캐피탈 투자 동향 및 유망 기업 분석 보고서 발행"

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세계 최고의 트렌드 리서치: 트렌드버드_ 2022년 Trend Report

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1) Daily Trend Report

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2) Monthly Trend Report : February. 2024 Edition -

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3) Annual Trend Report : 2024 Edition ! -

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  • NO.1  New Biz / Strategy / Business Model   (329-Page) : 신사업, 전략, 비즈니스모델 트렌드
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  • NO.6  Marketing / Advertising / Consumer  (231-Page) : 마케팅, 광고, 컨슈머 동향 트렌드


  • NO.7    AI / Robot / Big-Data Trends   (159-Page) :  AI, 로봇, 빅데이터 트렌드
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  • NO.10  Auto / Mobility / Transportation Trends   (130-Page) : 자동차, 모빌리티, 에너지 트렌드
  • NO.11  Healthcare / Medical / Bio-Tech   (131-Page) : 헬스케어, 의료기술, 바이오테크 트렌드
  • NO.12  Luxury / Beauty / Fashion   (135-Page) : 럭셔리, 뷰티, 패션 트렌드

4) Quarterly Trend Report : Q3. 2023 Edition -

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5) Trend Database : Search "Artificial Intelligence" -

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